property management & letting


We keep things really simple. No pressure from agents.


We provide quality services at affordable prices.


We’ll keep you in the loop.


We are a Fully licensed Real Estate Agency in Brisbane.

24/7 Help

Use our 24/7 online help centre or message us.

It’s super easy. Just give us a call or fill in the form below.

Step 1

Call us or fill in the form below.

Step 2

Our agent will confirm with you appointing us as your agent. We’ll appraise your property.

Step 3

We will work with you to prepare your property for marketing. We will install a for sale sign at your property and list it online. If it is a change of management, we will do all the paperwork for the transfer.

Step 4

Our agents will take potential tenants through your property. Short-list them, do reference checks and sign the tenancy agreement.

Step 5

We will keep you informed of any issues along the way and disburse rent to you monthly.


Glo Real Estate is founded in 2018. Our agents have experience in sales and rentals since 2005. You can be sure you are in good hands with us.

Property Management, Rental Letting and Sales.

Typical property management fee is 7.5%+gst of rent collected. Rental marketing is usually $400+gst for the basic package which includes a for rent sign, listing, photography and video. Once a tenant is selected for the property the letting fee is usually equivalent to one week’s rent.

Yes we are fully licenced in QLD. Our Real Estate Licence Number is 4189674. We are qualified to give you professional advice.

All you have to do is sign a Form 6 – Appointment of a property agent, with us. We can then do the rest. You can download Form 6 from the QLD Government website to have a look:

No not at all. All we need is your consent. We’ll communicate with your existing agent and transfer management over. Usually we need to give your existing management 30 days notice.

If you have any other questions, please email us at


Our philosophy is Simplicity, Affordability, Transparency.

A team of experienced real estate specialists in Brisbane, Australia since 2006.

We provide a range of services for our happy customers. Property Management, rental letting and sales.

You will have a peace of mind  with us. We are committed to providing quality service to our clients. We have an experienced team providing you with the best options and outcomes.

" Thank you GLO! Highly recommended. Pleasure to deal with. I'm more than satisfied with the overall service. " Rodney

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